What Is Heart of Now?
The essence of Heart of Now is the practice of presence with our whole self: our emotions, our thoughts, our bodies, and the part of us that is connected to everyone and everything, the place from which our dreams and visions spring. In each moment, we have the opportunity to breathe deeply, to welcome our emotions, to gain clarity, to be seen more authentically, to accept the way things are, and to show up to what is with our full presence. When we are being present with ourselves, we can be present with others and with the circumstances of our lives. In this place of presence, we are free from many of the limitations that have held us back, more possibilities are available to us in the moment, and we are more free to create our life as we want it to be.
Since 2004, Heart of Now has touched thousands of lives and is one of the most powerful transformational experiences in the world. We offer dynamic workshops and events to practice being fully present with ourselves and providing exquisite listening for others. We strive to be open-hearted and non-judgmental in our approach and to engage whatever is happening in the moment with curiosity. We believe that each person has within them all the wisdom they need to live from a place of internal presence and clarity. Our focus is on giving you the opportunity to listen deeply to yourself, to be authentically seen by others, and to notice what you want and feel in each moment. Through this work, our goal is to help you find your own path to create what you really want and to fully live your dreams!
krysty Keith
Krysty has been studying interpersonal growth and working one-on-one with people for over 20 years. She first came to Heart of Now in 2004. She loves helping people find their inner joy and ability to embrace life for all it has to offer. Her goal in life is facilitate how to love and be love! Krysty has never seen a modality that helps transform people’s lives more than what she has witnessed and experienced herself at Heart of Now. When she is not helping Heart of Now, she is often found enjoying her time in nature, relaxing at the hot springs, doing art, and exploring the depths of human connection with her partner Adam.
“We can heal. From wherever we start, our life can get lighter and easier. We can get in touch with the ideas and emotions that have us repeating unwelcome behavior patterns. Becoming aware of them in a visceral way (not just talking about it) will create more room for change.” Lisa has been participating in the Heart of Now since 2001 and facilitating since 2006. She has been involved in personal growth work for the last thirty years. Her roots are in co-counseling, gestalt, dream-work, psychotherapy, and process-oriented psychology which she incorporates into her work as a facilitator and mediation counselor.